Develop your reflective skills and evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches – I think that this is the main evaluation criteria for this assignment.
It is really important that I improve the recording of my critical thinking skills. So I am going to take a different approach and work mainly in my sketchbook , I feel that I can reflect more naturally off screen. I can then upload sketch and notebook pages and annotate, discuss and reflect upon my noted reflections.
Developing visual research -Floral compositions
Nettles, unwanted and under appreciated. Cheery start to a post? I am saddened by the current political and social events. Is it inevitable that this permeates my creative mood? It feels so. ( I will elaborate on this later, for now I just note that visual connections and emotional response to political events are interlinked. I will work on expressing what I mean more clearly. Maybe this project will be about untangling and expressing this)
I’m trying to be decisive as I’m really working to a tight deadline. Looking back at my drawings from assignment two I didn’t feel very inspired with my earlier mark making. I am very inspired by nature, just not impressed with my earlier drawings based on plants, so I have chosen to develop Floral compositions as a theme and hopefully do a better job of it!! It will be interesting to see how I have progressed.
In my reflection of part 5 an observation that I made was that the drawings I made were without the benefit of hindsight that working through some textile processes has given me. I intend to bear this in mind when drawing – without influencing experimentation and the creative process too much.
I have fallen a little in love with nettles since the natural cordage course where I first noticed their simple grace. The stems and flowers are amazing , and they suit my mood.
I’ve gathered some nettles and made a start on some drawings, I’ve really enjoyed this stage, its been really therapeutic to be immersed in colour and mark making . I need to be careful not to spend too much time drawing but there are still some techniques I want to use, collage for one and some bigger scale drawings.
I feel that what I need to do now is to look more at details rather than try to draw the whole plant as I’m really interested in the structure of the plant, particularly the stem and flowers.